Gamingstuff Blog

Jugendschutz und ethische Fragen im Esport: Eine tiefgehende Analyse

Der Blogbeitrag beleuchtet die Herausforderungen des Jugendschutzes und der ethischen Fragen im Esport. Angesichts des wachsenden Erfolgs des Esports stehen junge Spieler unter immensem Leistungsdr...

Die wachsende Bedeutung von Mentaler Stärke im E-Sport

Mentale Stärke wird im E-Sport immer wichtiger. In diesem Artikel erfährst du, wie psychologisches Training und der Umgang mit Druck den Unterschied machen kÜnnen.

Cheating und Manipulation im E-Sport: Herausforderungen und LĂśsungen

Cheating, Match-Fixing und Doping sind ernsthafte Bedrohungen im E-Sport, die die Integrität des Wettbewerbs gefährden. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die verschiedenen Formen der Manipulation und besch...

Trainingsroutine eines E-Sport-Profis: Disziplin, Fokus und Technik

E-Sport-Profis trainieren täglich stundenlang, um ihre Fähigkeiten zu perfektionieren. Ihre Routine umfasst intensives Team- und Einzeltraining, mentale Übungen wie Meditation und Atemtechniken sow...

Esports as a Career: A Guide for Aspiring Professionals

Learn how to start a successful esports career in this guide, with tips on training, teamwork, tournaments and sponsorship.

E-sports in different countries - pure entertainment or recognized sport?

E-sports, i.e. professional gaming, has become a global phenomenon. Find the main differences in this article!

Tips for falling asleep after the gaming session!

Relaxation tips for gamers: How to sleep better after eSports. Find the most important tips in this article!

The perfect preparation for your next e-sports tournament!

Learn how best to prepare for an esports tournament. Regular training, healthy nutrition and much more are crucial for your success!

This is how professional esports players train!

Esports has become one of the most popular and fastest growing sports in the world in recent years. Professional esports players train hard to improve their skills and play at the highest level....

The optimal nutrition for e-athletes

The world of e-sports is not only about fast reaction times and strategic thinking, but also about healthy nutrition. As an e-athlete, you need a balanced diet to increase physical and mental pe...

"Warzone 2.0" comes in November with a huge new map

A few weeks after the remake of "Modern Warfare 2", the standalone "Warzone 2.0" will also be released. The map is bigger and there is a new Rings mechanic. Al Mazrah is the name of the new battlef...

The most important game events & trade fairs in Switzerland 2024

In 2024, there are several important gaming fairs and events in Switzerland that focus on video games, e-sports and technology. Here are some of the most important: HeroFest (Bern) ...

Buy PlayStation 5: Still rare goods

If you want to buy a PlayStation 5, you have to be patient. The delivery difficulties have not yet improved. When will it get better? Next November, the PlayStation 5 will be two years old. But...

TikTok wants to get into the game business and is testing the integration of games in Vietnam.

With over a billion active users per month, TikTok is one of the most popular platforms in the world. Now ByteDance, the Chinese company behind the social media app, wants to conquer the gaming ...

Kevin Aebi im Interview - Alles rund um Kevin und seinem Start in die E-Sim Karriere

Interview with Kevin Aebi - Everything about Kevin and his start in the E-Sim career

GAMINGSTUFF.CH - As a proud nutrition partner of Kevin Aebi, we promote the future of Swiss e-sports athletes! Hello Kevin We are pleased that you took the time to talk to us about yourself an...


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